I, Me & Myself

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Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates
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Monday, February 16, 2009


Italians have always been known to be fashionable and so it was no surprise that on a trip to Italy i would get to see a whole lot of fashionable shops etc.

However while we were in Florence (or Firenze as its known in Italian which we found out the hard way when we could not find any train going to 'Florence') we passed through a street called Via De' Tornabuoni (see pic below) which is just about 50 meteres long and very old and narrow, paved with plain and presumably, old cobblestones. An alley actually.
However i have yet to see another street with such a density of high end fashion stores in such a small area.
Not in Paris (Champs Elysee is over-rated) not Rome (though the alley directly off the Spanish Steps comes pretty close). Rodeo Drive in LA maybe but i havent been there yet so for the moment this street is, for me, the "fashion street" of the world.
So much so that i had to make a collage of the pictures to fit them all in this one post.
Worth a visit.
On second thoughts, if you are on a honeymoon then it probably not a place to take the missus.


  1. And finally, Ladies and Gentlemen, the maestro decides to grace the blog with memories of the vacation.

    Who care's for brand names when there's fine wine to be had...with some fine company?


  2. The fine wine was correct but the fine company, i believe was in Amsterdam, not Florence.
