I, Me & Myself

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Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates
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Thursday, February 21, 2008

An Eye For An Eye Will Make The Whole World Blind

I was supposed to be in Darjeeling on 21 for a short holiday but am still stuck in Delhi because there is an indefinite strike going on.
As i write this blog i can only hope that things will improve soon. The situation looks bad but one can hope i guess, coz without hope everything is lost.

A brief history:
23-24 years ago an ex-army man galvanised the hills and began a movement for statehood.
In those times the hills was a peaceful and prosperous place but where water resource was plenty but supply minimal. Like his neighbour in Bihar who promised roads as smooth as Hema Malini's cheeks, the cheeky armyman promised swimming pools in each house in Darjeeling.

The gullible nepalis followed him like the mice would Pied Piper.

After many people had lost their lives and a whole generation displaced and almost as abruptly as he began the agitation, he and his party accepted partial autonomy and ended it.

Now 20 years later with the taps still running dry and the utopian swimming pools still a mirage, a small bunch of rebels have decided to demand statehood again. The armyman and his ruling party are happy with the status quo and dont want any kind of statehood (not that it is being offered).
The present state government obviously doesn't want to give in to any demand. They are presently just happy that 2 groups of nepalis are fighting among themselves.

In the middle of all this, the splinter group goes ahead and announces an indefinite strike in the hills.
Is the state govt worried? Hell No!

For all they care the stupid Neps can fight among themselves. In the process if the livelihood of the poor hill people get affected all the more better.
They will come to the bargaining table weakened.

So who benefits from this strike?

Isnt there a better way to show dissent? A more effective way to protest?

If closing down the hills could somehow affect the state or federal govt then by all means go ahead. But if the closure is only hurting the economy and life of the local people then why do this?

Maybe what Darjeeling needs is not another neta, not another rabble-rouser but a Statesman.

Is that too much to ask?

Afterall Gandhi was a frail old man, Ambedkar was an untouchable, and hell, Madela was in prison for most of his life. Yet they were able to provide Leadership with a Vision.

A Vision towards making Life Better.

Bhanubhakta is revered here in Darj more than in Nepal.
The schools and quality of education in the hills is almost legendary.
And Nepalis are generally peace loving sensible people.

So can't Darjeeling produce a Statesman?
If you ask me, we already have them. More than one infact.
They just need to stand up and be counted.
Afterall, If not now when? If not you, who?

Only then will the hills have a voice and a vision which should hopefully become a reality.

He may not be able to fill our swimming pools but atleast our taps will not run dry.

And if more than a couple pop up then maybe we could lend 1 across the border too. They sure look like they need it right now.

I just hope that this senseless self flagellation is not symtomatic of Nepalis in general. Because then we have no hope. And without hope......

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