I, Me & Myself

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Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates
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Friday, September 18, 2009

Shock & Awwwww


The Germans (who else) have come out with a series of ad's on a very important topic.


I've always been a very strong advocate of AIDS awareness and infact while in college at St. Joseph’s in Bangalore, I was a member of an inter-collegiate group called J.A.A.M (Joseph’s AIDS Awareness Movement).

The biggest threat vis-a-vis HIV is not the virus in itself but the lack of awareness and knowledge about it.

A friend of my nephew’s recently said something quite astounding.

He claimed (quite shockingly) that even if you have unprotected sex with a woman who is HIV+ you will not be infected unless you have an open cut or sore on your family jewels.

Now this is a modern young 24 year old guy who’s been educated in what we call a ‘good school’ and who now flies for an international airline.

If someone like him can be so ignorant I cannot even begin to think what other outrageous myths the ‘uneducated’ people in the rural areas believe in.

Infact in South Africa there is a horrendous belief that having sex with a virgin will cure you of the infection, leading ofcourse to many child rapes. So you can see how ignorance kills.

Therefore i believe that awareness is the only way of stopping the spread of this virus coz as Elizabeth Taylor (who is one of the staunchest patrons of this cause and who infact was also one of the earliest to take up this cause, much before it became fashionable) said;

“HIV is as easy to prevent as it is to catch.”

You only have to take a few precautions.

Afterall it can only spread through 3 things.

1) Semen & Vaginal secretions
2) Amniotic Fluid (mother to child)
3) Blood

Stay away from these and you will be safe. Simple.

But once again I digress.

The point is that AIDS awareness has become so commonplace that public service Ads aren’t making the necessary impression anymore.

So the Germans have decided to jolt us out of our reverie and have come out with a series of Ads which portray AIDS as a MASS MURDERER and with some historical mass murderers as models. (Saddam may not have had any WMD's but he certainly comes armed with STD's)

Stalin & AIDS

Ofcourse this has been met with the expected outcry and shock but if we are talking about it, maybe it was worth it.

Hitler & AIDS

Check out the ads and tell me..

Saddam & AIDS

What do you say?

Think about it....

As usual...



1 comment:

  1. yo-

    along with your visuals I must say the other thing I tend to be impressed by is the range from which you pick. the oddest things catch your fancy and that (along with your unpretentious writing style) would be the reason I follow your posts :)

    I happen to think they aren't very good ads- (1)the woman seems to be having a good time - which defeats the purpose (2)they seem more like spoofs than the real deal
    (3)scare tactics/fear rarely work in this category (awareness generation of a disease, drugs etc)

    As someone with an advertising background those were easy ones to pick up. As a researcher i feel compelled to talk to consumers before I comment:D I'd say they wouldnt work but then these are Germans...;)

    But seriously sad/interesting story about your nephew's friend.
