I dont know if you managed to catch this bit of news but last week animal lovers were left aghast when news reports came in from Russia that a donkey was forced to parasail. Yes you heard right. PARASAIL!
Russian holidaymakers at a beach were left shocked after a donkey was forced to parasail off a beach as part of a sick advertising stunt.
The animal, braying in terror, soared above the southern village of Golubitskaya while crying children below echoed its screams.

The stunt – intended to attract people into parasailing at a private beach club – backfired after police began investigating allegations of animal cruelty.
The animal eventually landed back on the shoreline in an ‘atrocious manner’ after being dragged through the water and sunbathers rushed to rescue the frightened donkey and were lucky to stop it from drowning.
‘The donkey screamed and children cried,’ said a regional police spokeswoman in what must certainly be an understatement.
‘The donkey screamed and children cried,’ said a regional police spokeswoman in what must certainly be an understatement.

But even more disturbingly no-one had the brains to call police.
Instead people reached for their cameras and bombarded a local newspaper with phone calls.
Russian police last night admitted that the trail has gone cold as they hunt to find the donkey owner, who was responsible for the horrific animal abuse.
'He has done a runner, he has gone into hiding,' said a police spokesman.
Another officer said: 'It’s amazing that onlookers didn’t knock his teeth out there and then. But in fact no-one complained, not a single person.'
'He has done a runner, he has gone into hiding,' said a police spokesman.
Another officer said: 'It’s amazing that onlookers didn’t knock his teeth out there and then. But in fact no-one complained, not a single person.'
And now after its readers expressed their horror and concern for the donkey, the SUN newspaper of the UK has bought and brought the donkey to London.
I seriously dont know what is more disturbing.

The fact that the poor Ass was forced to fly or that the Ass has now become a global celebrity.
Your thoughts??
Till Next Time
Luv as Usual
that was funny ..I am sorry if I am being crass